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Landon King led BCC scorers with 24 points
Landon King led BCC scorers with 24 points

Dolphins Men's Basketball Stays Undefeated at Home With 119-107 Win Versus USC-Salkehatchie

In an exhilarating game between the top two highest-scoring teams in Region 10-D1, the host Brunswick Community College Dolphins defeated USC-Salkehatchie 119-107 today. The visiting Indians came into the game in first place in the Region, while the Dolphins held second. With the win, the Dolphins move into a first-place tie with USC-Salkehatchie in the Region standings. Landon King led the Dolphins with 24 points, followed by Cam Oates with 23, Derrick Green with 22, Armani Henderson with 21, and Tyrone Barbee with 11. The Dolphins are 11-0 at home this season and the win extends their home win streak to 14 dating back to last season.